spring is close, Kilchrist
1 day ago
Poibin's photos.(Copyright...all rights reserved) All photographs are my copyright, if you wish to use any of these images or require prints, please contact me via email at my profile section here on this blog.
Smooth and round
they make a sound
when the oacean laps the beach.
Smooth and round
there always found
in pools and covered with sand.
Smooth and round
benbecula bound
these "PEBBLES" are for all to see.
hi there, thanks for stopping by and leaving all your nice comments!
wow, hebrides and yorkshire and the subjects of your photos, makes me feel like we must be living almost parallel lives! heeheehee!
was in the hebrides last summer and got as far north as north uist, amazing places!!! spectacular!
lovely photos too :)
i like pebbles too - smooth and round and calming despite their hardness - nice photo, toodles
Thank U, U 3!
I even have an assorted collection around my open fire at home!
I try to memorise where I got them!
i have lots of pebbles at home too and try to remember where they're from, but unfortunately i don't succeed very well now the collection is getting bigger!
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